Package 'diveMove'

Title: Dive Analysis and Calibration
Description: Utilities to represent, visualize, filter, analyse, and summarize time-depth recorder (TDR) data. Miscellaneous functions for handling location data are also provided.
Authors: Sebastian P. Luque [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Sebastian P. Luque <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.6.4
Built: 2025-02-12 02:40:21 UTC

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Dive Analysis and Calibration


This package is a collection of functions for visualizing and analyzing depth and speed data from time-depth recorders TDRs. These can be used to zero-offset correct depth, calibrate speed, and divide the record into different phases, or time budget. Functions are provided for calculating summary dive statistics for the whole record, or at smaller scales within dives.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

A vignette with a guide to this package is available by doing vignette("diveMove"). TDR-class, calibrateDepth, calibrateSpeed, timeBudget, stampDive.


## Too long for checks
## read in data and create a TDR object
zz <- system.file(file.path("data", "dives.csv"),
                  package="diveMove", mustWork=TRUE)
(sealX <- readTDR(zz, speed=TRUE, sep=";", na.strings="",

if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) plotTDR(sealX)  # html plotly

## detect periods of activity, and calibrate depth, creating
## a "TDRcalibrate" object
if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) dcalib <- calibrateDepth(sealX)
## Use the "offset" ZOC method to zero-offset correct depth at 3 m
(dcalib <- calibrateDepth(sealX, zoc.method="offset", offset=3))

if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) {
    ## plot all readings and label them with the phase of the record
    ## they belong to, excluding surface readings
    plotTDR(dcalib, surface=FALSE)
    ## plot the first 300 dives, showing dive phases and surface readings
    plotTDR(dcalib, diveNo=seq(300), surface=TRUE)

## calibrate speed (using changes in depth > 1 m and default remaining arguments)
(vcalib <- calibrateSpeed(dcalib, z=1))

## Obtain dive statistics for all dives detected
dives <- diveStats(vcalib)

## Attendance table
att <- timeBudget(vcalib, FALSE) # taking trivial aquatic activities into account
att <- timeBudget(vcalib, TRUE)  # ignoring them
## Identify which phase each dive belongs to
stamps <- stampDive(vcalib)
sumtab <- data.frame(stamps, dives)

Quantile of Moving Window


Moving (aka running, rolling) Window Quantile calculated over a vector


  type = 7,
  endrule = c("quantile", "NA", "trim", "keep", "constant", "func"),
  align = c("center", "left", "right")



numeric vector of length n or matrix with n rows. If x is a matrix than each column will be processed separately.


width of moving window; must be an integer between one and n.


numeric vector of probabilities with values in [0,1] range used by runquantile.


an integer between 1 and 9 selecting one of the nine quantile algorithms, same as type in quantile function. Another even more readable description of nine ways to calculate quantiles can be found at


character string indicating how the values at the beginning and the end, of the array, should be treated. Only first and last k2 values at both ends are affected, where k2 is the half-bandwidth k2 = k %/% 2.

* "quantile" Applies the quantile function to smaller and smaller sections of the array. Equivalent to: for(i in 1:k2) out[i]=quantile(x[1:(i+k2)]). * "trim" Trim the ends; output array length is equal to length(x)-2*k2 (out = out[(k2+1):(n-k2)]). This option mimics output of apply (embed(x,k),1,FUN) and other related functions. * "keep" Fill the ends with numbers from x vector (out[1:k2] = x[1:k2]) * "constant" Fill the ends with first and last calculated value in output array (out[1:k2] = out[k2+1]) * "NA" Fill the ends with NA's (out[1:k2] = NA) * "func" Same as "quantile" but implimented in R. This option could be very slow, and is included mostly for testing


specifies whether result should be centered (default), left-aligned or right-aligned. If endrule="quantile" then setting align to "left" or "right" will fall back on slower implementation equivalent to endrule="func".


Apart from the end values, the result of y = runquantile(x, k) is the same as “for(j=(1+k2):(n-k2)) y[j]=quintile(x[(j-k2):(j+k2)],na.rm = TRUE)”. It can handle non-finite numbers like NaN's and Inf's (like quantile(x, na.rm = TRUE)).

The main incentive to write this set of functions was relative slowness of majority of moving window functions available in R and its packages. All functions listed in "see also" section are slower than very inefficient “apply(embed(x,k),1,FUN)” approach. Relative speeds of runquantile is O(n*k)

Function runquantile uses insertion sort to sort the moving window, but gain speed by remembering results of the previous sort. Since each time the window is moved, only one point changes, all but one points in the window are already sorted. Insertion sort can fix that in O(k) time.


If x is a matrix than function runquantile returns a matrix of size [n ×\times length(probs)]. If x is vactor a than function runquantile returns a matrix of size [dim(x) ×\times length(probs)]. If endrule="trim" the output will have fewer rows.


Jarek Tuszynski (SAIC) [email protected]


About quantiles: Hyndman, R. J. and Fan, Y. (1996) Sample quantiles in statistical packages, American Statistician, 50, 361.

About quantiles: Eric W. Weisstein. Quantile. From MathWorld– A Wolfram Web Resource.

About insertion sort used in runmad and runquantile: R. Sedgewick (1988): Algorithms. Addison-Wesley (page 99)


## show plot using runquantile
k <- 31; n <- 200
x <- rnorm(n, sd=30) + abs(seq(n)-n/4)
y <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, probs=c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))
col <- c("black", "red", "green", "blue", "magenta", "cyan")
plot(x, col=col[1], main="Moving Window Quantiles")
lines(y[,1], col=col[2])
lines(y[,2], col=col[3])
lines(y[,3], col=col[4])
lines(y[,4], col=col[5])
lines(y[,5], col=col[6])
lab=c("data", "runquantile(.05)", "runquantile(.25)", "runquantile(0.5)",
      "runquantile(.75)", "runquantile(.95)")
legend(0,230, lab, col=col, lty=1)

## basic tests against apply/embed
a <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, c(0.3, 0.7), endrule="trim")
b <- t(apply(embed(x, k), 1, quantile, probs=c(0.3, 0.7)))
eps <- .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5
stopifnot(all(abs(a - b) < eps))

## Test against loop approach

## This test works fine at the R prompt but fails during package check -
## need to investigate
k <- 25; n <- 200
x <- rnorm(n, sd=30) + abs(seq(n) - n / 4) # create random data
x[seq(1, n, 11)] <- NaN;                   # add NANs
k2 <- k %/% 2
k1 <- k - k2 - 1
a <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, probs=c(0.3, 0.8))
b <- matrix(0, n, 2)
for(j in 1:n) {
    lo <- max(1, j - k1)
    hi <- min(n, j + k2)
    b[j, ] <- quantile(x[lo:hi], probs=c(0.3, 0.8), na.rm=TRUE)
## stopifnot(all(abs(a-b)<eps));

## Compare calculation of array ends
a <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, probs=0.4,
                             endrule="quantile") # fast C code
b <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, probs=0.4,
                             endrule="func")     # slow R code
stopifnot(all(abs(a - b) < eps))

## Test if moving windows forward and backward gives the same results
k <- 51
a <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, probs=0.4)
b <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x[n:1], k, probs=0.4)
stopifnot(all(a[n:1]==b, na.rm=TRUE))

## Test vector vs. matrix inputs, especially for the edge handling
nRow <- 200; k <- 25; nCol <- 10
x <- rnorm(nRow, sd=30) + abs(seq(nRow) - n / 4)
x[seq(1, nRow, 10)] <- NaN              # add NANs
X <- matrix(rep(x, nCol), nRow, nCol)   # replicate x in columns of X
a <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, probs=0.6)
b <- diveMove:::.runquantile(X, k, probs=0.6)
stopifnot(all(abs(a - b[, 1]) < eps))    # vector vs. 2D array
stopifnot(all(abs(b[, 1] - b[, nCol]) < eps)) # compare rows within 2D array

## Exhaustive testing of runquantile to standard R approach
numeric.test <- function (x, k) {
  probs <- c(1, 25, 50, 75, 99) / 100
  a <- diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, c(0.3, 0.7), endrule="trim")
  b <- t(apply(embed(x, k), 1, quantile, probs=c(0.3, 0.7), na.rm=TRUE))
  eps <- .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5
  stopifnot(all(abs(a - b) < eps))
n <- 50
x <- rnorm(n,sd=30) + abs(seq(n) - n / 4) # nice behaving data
for(i in 2:5) numeric.test(x, i)          # test small window sizes
for(i in 1:5) numeric.test(x, n - i + 1)  # test large window size
x[seq(1, 50, 10)] <- NaN                  # add NANs and repet the test
for(i in 2:5) numeric.test(x, i)          # test small window sizes
for(i in 1:5) numeric.test(x, n - i + 1)  # test large window size

## Speed comparison
## Not run: 
x <- runif(1e6); k=1e3 + 1
system.time(diveMove:::.runquantile(x, k, 0.5)) # Speed O(n*k)

## End(Not run)

Filter satellite locations


Apply a three stage algorithm to eliminate erroneous locations, based on established procedures.


  id = gl(1, 1, length(time)),
  window = 5,

grpSpeedFilter(x, speed.thr, window = 5, ...)

rmsDistFilter(x, speed.thr, window = 5, dist.thr, ...)



POSIXct object with dates and times for each point.


numeric vectors of longitudes, in decimal degrees.


numeric vector of latitudes, in decimal degrees.


A factor grouping points in different categories (e.g. individuals).


numeric scalar: speed threshold (m/s) above which filter tests should fail any given point.


numeric scalar: distance threshold (km) above which the last filter test should fail any given point.


integer: the size of the moving window over which tests should be carried out.


Arguments ultimately passed to distSpeed.


3-column matrix with column 1: POSIXct vector; column 2: numeric longitude vector; column 3: numeric latitude vector.


These functions implement the location filtering procedure outlined in Austin et al. (2003). grpSpeedFilter and rmsDistFilter can be used to perform only the first stage or the second and third stages of the algorithm on their own, respectively. Alternatively, the three filters can be run in a single call using austFilter.

The first stage of the filter is an iterative process which tests every point, except the first and last (w/2) - 1 (where w is the window size) points, for travel velocity relative to the preceeding/following (w/2) - 1 points. If all w - 1 speeds are greater than the specified threshold, the point is marked as failing the first stage. In this case, the next point is tested, removing the failing point from the set of test points.

The second stage runs McConnell et al. (1992) algorithm, which tests all the points that passed the first stage, in the same manner as above. The root mean square of all w - 1 speeds is calculated, and if it is greater than the specified threshold, the point is marked as failing the second stage (see Warning section below).

The third stage is run simultaneously with the second stage, but if the mean distance of all w - 1 pairs of points is greater than the specified threshold, then the point is marked as failing the third stage.

The speed and distance threshold should be obtained separately (see distSpeed).


rmsDistFilter and austFilter return a matrix with 2 or 3 columns, respectively, of logical vectors with values TRUE for points that passed each stage. For the latter, positions that fail the first stage fail the other stages too. The second and third columns returned by austFilter, as well as those returned by rmsDistFilter are independent of one another; i.e. positions that fail stage 2 do not necessarily fail stage 3.

grpSpeedFilter logical vector indicating those lines that passed the test.


  • grpSpeedFilter: Do stage one on 3-column matrix x

  • rmsDistFilter: Apply McConnell et al's filter and Austin et al's last stage


This function applies McConnell et al.'s filter as described in Freitas et al. (2008). According to the original description of the algorithm in McConnell et al. (1992), the filter makes a single pass through all locations. Austin et al. (2003) and other authors may have used the filter this way. However, as Freitas et al. (2008) noted, this causes locations adjacent to those flagged as failing to fail also, thereby rejecting too many locations. In diveMove, the algorithm was modified to reject only the “peaks” in each series of consecutive locations having root mean square speed higher than threshold.


Sebastian Luque [email protected] and Andy Liaw.


McConnell BJ, Chambers C, Fedak MA. 1992. Foraging ecology of southern elephant seals in relation to bathymetry and productivity of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science 4:393-398.

Austin D, McMillan JI, Bowen D. 2003. A three-stage algorithm for filtering erroneous Argos satellite locations. Marine Mammal Science 19: 371-383.

Freitas C, Lydersen, C, Fedak MA, Kovacs KM. 2008. A simple new algorithm to filter marine mammal ARGOS locations. Marine Mammal Science DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2007.00180.x

See Also



## Using the Example from '?readLocs':
utils::example("readLocs", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE)
ringy <- subset(locs, id == "ringy" & ! & !

## Examples below use default Meeus algorithm for computing distances.
## See ?distSpeed for specifying other methods.
## Austin et al.'s group filter alone
grp <- grpSpeedFilter(ringy[, 3:5], speed.thr=1.1)

## McConnell et al.'s filter (root mean square test), and distance test
## alone
rms <- rmsDistFilter(ringy[, 3:5], speed.thr=1.1, dist.thr=300)

## Show resulting tracks
n <- nrow(ringy)
plot.nofilter <- function(main) {
    plot(lat ~ lon, ringy, type="n", main=main)
    with(ringy, segments(lon[-n], lat[-n], lon[-1], lat[-1]))
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
plot.nofilter(main="Unfiltered Track")
plot.nofilter(main="Group Filter")
n1 <- length(which(grp))
with(ringy[grp, ], segments(lon[-n1], lat[-n1], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Root Mean Square Filter")
n2 <- length(which(rms[, 1]))
with(ringy[rms[, 1], ], segments(lon[-n2], lat[-n2], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Distance Filter")
n3 <- length(which(rms[, 2]))
with(ringy[rms[, 2], ], segments(lon[-n3], lat[-n3], lon[-1], lat[-1],

## All three tests (Austin et al. procedure)
austin <- with(ringy, austFilter(time, lon, lat, speed.thr=1.1,
layout(matrix(1:4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE))
plot.nofilter(main="Unfiltered Track")
plot.nofilter(main="Stage 1")
n1 <- length(which(austin[, 1]))
with(ringy[austin[, 1], ], segments(lon[-n1], lat[-n1], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Stage 2")
n2 <- length(which(austin[, 2]))
with(ringy[austin[, 2], ], segments(lon[-n2], lat[-n2], lon[-1], lat[-1],
plot.nofilter(main="Stage 3")
n3 <- length(which(austin[, 3]))
with(ringy[austin[, 3], ], segments(lon[-n3], lat[-n3], lon[-1], lat[-1],

Calculate bout ending criteria from model coefficients


Calculate bout ending criteria from model coefficients


## S4 method for signature 'nls'

## S4 method for signature 'mle'



Object of class nls or mle.


numeric vector with the bout ending criterion or criteria derived from the model.


  • bec,nls-method: Calculate BEC on nls object

  • bec,mle-method: Calculate BEC on mle object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

Histogram of log-transformed frequencies


Histogram of log-transformed frequencies


boutfreqs(x, bw, method = c("standard", "seq.diff"), plot = TRUE, ...)



numeric vector on which bouts will be identified based on “method”. For labelBouts it can also be a matrix with different variables for which bouts should be identified.


numeric scalar: bin width for the histogram.


character: method used for calculating the frequencies: “standard” simply uses x, while “seq.diff” uses the sequential differences method.


logical, whether to plot results or not.


For boutfreqs, arguments passed to hist (must exclude breaks and include.lowest)


boutfreqs returns an object of class Bouts, with slot lnfreq consisting of a data frame with components lnfreq containing the log frequencies and x, containing the corresponding mid points of the histogram. Empty bins are excluded. A plot (histogram of input data) is produced as a side effect if argument plot is TRUE. See the Details section.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

Fit "broken stick" model to log frequency data for identification of bouts of behaviour


Fits "broken stick" model to the log frequencies modelled as a function of x (well, the midpoints of the binned data), using chosen value(s) to separate the two or three processes.


## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
boutinit(obj, x.break, plot = TRUE, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Bouts'
boutinit(obj, x.break, plot = TRUE, ...)



Object of class Bouts or data.frame.


Numeric vector of length 1 or 2 with x value(s) defining the break(s) point(s) for broken stick model, such that x < x.break[1] is 1st process, and x >= x.break[1] & x < x.break[2] is 2nd one, and x >= x.break[2] is 3rd one.


logical, whether to plot results or not.


arguments passed to plot (must exclude type).


(2,N) matrix with as many columns as the number of processes implied by x.break (i.e. length(x.break) + 1). Rows are named a and lambda, corresponding to starting values derived from broken stick model. A plot is produced as a side effect if argument plot is TRUE.

Methods (by class)

  • data.frame: Fit "broken-stick" model on data.frame object

  • Bouts: Fit "broken-stick" model on Bouts object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


## 2-process
utils::example("rmixexp", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)
## 'rndproc2' is a random sample vector from the example
xbouts2 <- boutfreqs(rndprocs2, 5)  # Bouts class result
(startval2 <- boutinit(xbouts2, 80))

## 3-process
## 'rndproc3' is a random sample vector from the example
xbouts3 <- boutfreqs(rndprocs3, 5)
(startval3 <- boutinit(xbouts3, c(75, 220)))

Class "Bouts" for representing Poisson mixtures for identification of behavioural bouts


Base class for storing key information for modelling and detecting bouts in behavioural data.



Object of class "numeric". Data to be modelled.


Object of class "character". A string indicating the type of frequency to calculate from x: "standard" or "seq.diff". If "standard", frequencies are calculated directly from x, and from the sequential differences in x otherwise.


Object of class data.frame. Columns named lnfreq (log frequencies) and x (mid points of histogram bins).

Objects from the class

Objects can be created most conveniently via the boutfreqs function, which sets the lnfreq slot, but can also be created via new("Bouts").


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also


Estimated cumulative frequency for two- or three-process Poisson mixture models


Estimated cumulative frequency for two- or three-process Poisson mixture models


boutsCDF(x, p, lambdas)



numeric vector described by model.


numeric scalar or vector of proportion parameters.


numeric vector of rate parameters.


numeric vector with cumulative frequency.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


utils::example("rmixexp", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)
## boutsCDF(rndprocs3, p=p_true, lambdas=lda_true)

Generalized log likelihood function taking any number of Poisson processes in a "broken-stick" model


Generalized log likelihood function taking any number of Poisson processes in a "broken-stick" model


## S4 method for signature 'Bouts'
boutsNLSll(obj, coefs)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
boutsNLSll(obj, coefs)



Object of class Bouts or numeric vector of independent data to be described by the function.


matrix of coefficients (a and lambda) in rows for each process of the model in columns.


numeric vector as x with the evaluated function.

Methods (by class)

  • Bouts: Log likelihood Bouts method

  • numeric: Log likelihood function numeric method


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

Calibrate Depth and Generate a "TDRcalibrate" object


Detect periods of major activities in a TDR record, calibrate depth readings, and generate a TDRcalibrate object essential for subsequent summaries of diving behaviour.


  dry.thr = 70,
  wet.thr = 3610,
  dive.thr = 4,
  zoc.method = c("visual", "offset", "filter"),
  interp.wet = FALSE,
  dive.model = c("unimodal", "smooth.spline"),
  smooth.par = 0.1,
  knot.factor = 3,
  descent.crit.q = 0,
  ascent.crit.q = 0



An object of class TDR for calibrateDepth or an object of class TDRcalibrate for calibrateSpeed.


numeric: dry error threshold in seconds. Dry phases shorter than this threshold will be considered as wet.


logical: indicates which observations should be considered wet. If it is not provided, records with non-missing depth are assumed to correspond to wet conditions (see ‘Details’ and ‘Note’ below).


numeric: wet threshold in seconds. At-sea phases shorter than this threshold will be considered as trivial wet.


numeric: threshold depth below which an underwater phase should be considered a dive.


character string to indicate the method to use for zero offset correction. One of “visual”, “offset”, or “filter” (see ‘Details’).


Arguments required for ZOC methods filter (k, probs, depth.bounds (defaults to range), na.rm (defaults to TRUE)) and offset (offset).


logical: if TRUE (default is FALSE), then an interpolating spline function is used to impute NA depths in wet periods (after ZOC). Use with caution: it may only be useful in cases where the missing data pattern in wet periods is restricted to shallow depths near the beginning and end of dives. This pattern is common in some satellite-linked TDRs.


character string specifying what model to use for each dive for the purpose of dive phase identification. One of “smooth.spline” or “unimodal”, to choose among smoothing spline or unimodal regression (see ‘Details’). For dives with less than five observations, smoothing spline regression is used regardless (see ‘Details’).


numeric scalar representing amount of smoothing (argument spar in smooth.spline) when dive.model="smooth.spline". If it is NULL, then the smoothing parameter is determined by Generalized Cross-validation (GCV). Ignored with default dive.model="unimodal".


numeric scalar that multiplies the number of samples in the dive. This is used to construct the time predictor for the derivative.


numeric: critical quantile of rates of descent below which descent is deemed to have ended.


numeric: critical quantile of rates of ascent above which ascent is deemed to have started.


This function is really a wrapper around .detPhase, .detDive, and .zoc which perform the work on simplified objects. It performs wet/dry phase detection, zero-offset correction of depth, and detection of dives, as well as proper labelling of the latter.

The procedure starts by zero-offset correcting depth (see ‘ZOC’ below), and then a factor is created with value “L” (dry) for rows with NAs for depth and value “W” (wet) otherwise. This assumes that TDRs were programmed to turn off recording of depth when instrument is dry (typically by means of a salt-water switch). If this assumption cannot be made for any reason, then a logical vector as long as the time series should be supplied as argument wet.cond to indicate which observations should be considered wet. This argument is directly analogous to the subset argument in, so it can refer to any variable in the TDR object (see ‘Note’ section below). The duration of each of these phases of activity is subsequently calculated. If the duration of a dry phase (“L”) is less than dry.thr, then the values in the factor for that phase are changed to “W” (wet). The duration of phases is then recalculated, and if the duration of a phase of wet activity is less than wet.thr, then the corresponding value for the factor is changed to “Z” (trivial wet). The durations of all phases are recalculated a third time to provide final phase durations.

Some instruments produce a peculiar pattern of missing data near the surface, at the beginning and/or end of dives. The argument interp.wet may help to rectify this problem by using an interpolating spline function to impute the missing data, constraining the result to a minimum depth of zero. Please note that this optional step is performed after ZOC and before identifying dives, so that interpolation is performed through dry phases coded as wet because their duration was briefer than dry.thr. Therefore, dry.thr must be chosen carefully to avoid interpolation through legitimate dry periods.

The next step is to detect dives whenever the zero-offset corrected depth in an underwater phase is below the specified dive threshold. A new factor with finer levels of activity is thus generated, including “U” (underwater), and “D” (diving) in addition to the ones described above.

Once dives have been detected and assigned to a period of wet activity, phases within dives are identified using the descent, ascent and wiggle criteria (see ‘Detection of dive phases’ below). This procedure generates a factor with levels “D”, “DB”, “B”, “BA”, “DA”, “A”, and “X”, breaking the input into descent, descent/bottom, bottom, bottom/ascent, ascent, descent/ascent (ocurring when no bottom phase can be detected) and non-dive (surface), respectively.

## ZOC

This procedure is required to correct drifts in the pressure transducer of TDR records and noise in depth measurements. Three methods are available to perform this correction.

Method “visual” calls plotTDR, which plots depth and, optionally, speed vs. time with the ability of zooming in and out on time, changing maximum depths displayed, and panning through time. The button to zero-offset correct sections of the record allows for the collection of ‘x’ and ‘y’ coordinates for two points, obtained by clicking on the plot region. The first point clicked represents the offset and beginning time of section to correct, and the second one represents the ending time of the section to correct. Multiple sections of the record can be corrected in this manner, by panning through the time and repeating the procedure. In case there's overlap between zero offset corrected windows, the last one prevails.

Method “offset” can be used when the offset is known in advance, and this value is used to correct the entire time series. Therefore, offset=0 specifies no correction.

Method “filter” implements a smoothing/filtering mechanism where running quantiles can be applied to depth measurements in a recursive manner (Luque and Fried 2011), using .depth.filter. The method calculates the first running quantile defined by probs[1] on a moving window of size k[1]. The next running quantile, defined by probs[2] and k[2], is applied to the smoothed/filtered depth measurements from the previous step, and so on. The corrected depth measurements (d) are calculated as:

d=d0dnd=d_{0} - d_{n}

where d0d_{0} is original depth and dnd_{n} is the last smoothed/filtered depth. This method is under development, but reasonable results can be achieved by applying two filters (see ‘Examples’). The default na.rm=TRUE works well when there are no level shifts between non-NA phases in the data, but na.rm=FALSE is better in the presence of such shifts. In other words, there is no reason to pollute the moving window with NAs when non-NA phases can be regarded as a continuum, so splicing non-NA phases makes sense. Conversely, if there are level shifts between non-NA phases, then it is better to retain NA phases to help the algorithm recognize the shifts while sliding the window(s). The search for the surface can be limited to specified bounds during smoothing/filtering, so that observations outside these bounds are interpolated using the bounded smoothed/filtered series.

Once the whole record has been zero-offset corrected, remaining depths below zero, are set to zero, as these are assumed to indicate values at the surface.

## Detection of dive phases

The process for each dive begins by taking all observations below the dive detection threshold, and setting the beginning and end depths to zero, at time steps prior to the first and after the last, respectively. The latter ensures that descent and ascent derivatives are non-negative and non-positive, respectively, so that the end and beginning of these phases are not truncated. The next step is to fit a model to each dive. Two models can be chosen for this purpose: ‘unimodal’ (default) and ‘smooth.spline’.

Both models consist of a cubic spline, and its first derivative is evaluated to investigate changes in vertical rate. Therefore, at least 4 observations are required for each dive, so the time series is linearly interpolated at equally spaced time steps if this limit is not achieved in the current dive. Wiggles at the beginning and end of the dive are assumed to be zero offset correction errors, so depth observations at these extremes are interpolated between zero and the next observations when this occurs.

### ‘unimodal’

In this default model, the spline is constrained to be unimodal (Koellmann et al. 2014), assuming the diver must return to the surface to breathe. The model is fitted using the uniReg package (see unireg). This model and constraint are consistent with the definition of dives in air-breathers, so is certainly appropriate for this group of divers. A major advantage of this approach over the next one is that the degree of smoothing is determined via restricted maximum likelihood, and has no influence on identifying the transition between descent and ascent. Therefore, unimodal regression splines make the latter transition clearer compared to using smoothing splines.

However, note that dives with less than five samples are fit using smoothing splines (see section below) regardless, as they produce the same fit as unimodal regression but much faster. Therefore, ensure that the parameters for that model are appropriate for the data, although defaults are reasonable.

### ‘smooth.spline’

In this model, specified via dive.model="smooth.spline", a smoothing spline is used to model each dive (see smooth.spline), using the chosen smoothing parameter.

Dive phases identified via this model, however, are highly sensitive to the degree of smoothing (smooth.par) used, thus making it difficult to determine what amount of smoothing is adequate.

A comparison of these methods is shown in the Examples section of diveModel.

The first derivate of the spline is evaluated at a set of knots to calculate the vertical rate throughout the dive and determine the end of descent and beginning of ascent. This set of knots is established using a regular time sequence with beginning and end equal to the extremes of the input sequence, and with length equal to N×knot.factorN \times knot.factor. Equivalent procedures are used for detecting descent and ascent phases.

Once one of the models above has been fitted to each dive, the quantile corresponding to (descent.crit.q) of all the positive derivatives (rate of descent) at the beginning of the dive is used as threshold for determining the end of descent. Descent is deemed to have ended at the first minimum derivative, and the nearest input time observation is considered to indicate the end of descent. The sign of the comparisons is reversed for detecting the ascent. If observed depth to the left and right of the derivative defining the ascent are the same, the right takes precedence.

The particular dive phase categories are subsequently defined using simple set operations.


An object of class TDRcalibrate.


Note that the condition implied with argument wet.cond is evaluated after the ZOC procedure, so it can refer to corrected depth. In many cases, not all variables in the TDR object are sampled with the same frequency, so they may need to be interpolated before using them for this purpose. Note also that any of these variables may contain similar problems as those dealth with during ZOC, so programming instruments to record depth only when wet is likely the best way to ensure proper detection of wet/dry conditions.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


Koellmann, C., Ickstadt, K. and Fried, R. (2016) Beyond unimodal regression: modelling multimodality with piecewise unimodal or deconvolution models. Technical Report, Technische Universität Dortmund

Luque, S.P. and Fried, R. (2011) Recursive filtering for zero offset correction of diving depth time series. PLoS ONE 6:e15850

See Also

TDRcalibrate, .zoc, .depthFilter, .detPhase, .detDive, plotTDR, and plotZOC to visually assess ZOC procedure. See diveModel, smooth.spline, unireg for dive models.



## Too long for checks
## Consider a 3 m offset, a dive threshold of 3 m, the 1% quantile for
## critical vertical rates, and a set of knots 20 times as long as the
## observed time steps. Default smoothing spline model for dive phase
## detection, using default smoothing parameter.
(dcalib <- calibrateDepth(divesTDR, dive.thr=3, zoc.method="offset",
                          offset=3, descent.crit.q=0.01, ascent.crit.q=0,

## Or ZOC algorithmically with method="filter":
## dcalib <- calibrateDepth(divesTDR, dive.thr=3, zoc.method="filter",
##                          k=c(3, 5760), probs=c(0.5, 0.02), na.rm=TRUE,
##                          descent.crit.q=0.01, ascent.crit.q=0,
##                          knot.factor=20))

## If no ZOC required:
(dcalib <- calibrateDepth(divesTDRzoc, dive.thr=3, zoc.method="offset",
                          offset=0, descent.crit.q=0.01, ascent.crit.q=0,

Calibrate and build a "TDRcalibrate" object


These functions create a TDRcalibrate object which is necessary to obtain dive summary statistics.


  tau = 0.1,
  contour.level = 0.1,
  z = 0,
  bad = c(0, 0),
  main = slot(getTDR(x), "file"),
  plot = TRUE,
  postscript = FALSE,



An object of class TDR for calibrateDepth or an object of class TDRcalibrate for calibrateSpeed.


numeric scalar: quantile on which to regress speed on rate of depth change; passed to rq.


numeric scalar: the mesh obtained from the bivariate kernel density estimation corresponding to this contour will be used for the quantile regression to define the calibration line.


numeric scalar: only changes in depth larger than this value will be used for calibration.


numeric vector of length 2 indicating that only rates of depth change and speed greater than the given value should be used for calibration, respectively.

main, ...

Arguments passed to rqPlot.


numeric: known speed calibration coefficients from quantile regression as a vector of length 2 (intercept, slope). If provided, these coefficients are used for calibrating speed, ignoring all other arguments, except x.


logical: whether to plot the results.


logical: whether to produce postscript file output.


This calibrates speed readings following the procedure outlined in Blackwell et al. (1999).


An object of class TDRcalibrate.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


Blackwell S, Haverl C, Le Boeuf B, Costa D (1999). A method for calibrating swim-speed recorders. Marine Mammal Science 15(3):894-905.

See Also



## Too long for checks
## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)
dcalib		# the 'TDRcalibrate' that was created

## Calibrate speed using only changes in depth > 2 m
vcalib <- calibrateSpeed(dcalib, z=2)

Read comma-delimited file with "TDR" data


Read a delimited (*.csv) file containing time-depth recorder (TDR) data from various TDR models. Return a TDR or TDRspeed object. createTDR creates an object of one of these classes from other objects.


  concurrentData = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = length(time))),
  speed = FALSE,

  dateCol = 1,
  timeCol = 2,
  depthCol = 3,
  speed = FALSE,
  subsamp = 5,
  concurrentCols = 4:6,
  dtformat = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S",
  tz = "GMT",



A POSIXct object with date and time readings for each reading.


numeric vector with depth readings.


data.frame with additional, concurrent data collected.


logical: whether speed is included in one of the columns of concurrentCols.


numeric scalar: sampling interval used in seconds. If missing, it is calculated from the time argument.


character: a string indicating the path to the file to read. This can also be a text-mode connection, as allowed in read.csv.


integer: column number containing dates, and optionally, times.


integer: column number with times.


integer: column number containing depth readings.


numeric scalar: subsample rows in file with subsamp interval, in s.


integer vector of column numbers to include as concurrent data collected.


character: a string specifying the format in which the date and time columns, when pasted together, should be interpreted (see strptime).


character: a string indicating the time zone assumed for the date and time readings.


Passed to read.csv


The input file is assumed to have a header row identifying each field, and all rows must be complete (i.e. have the same number of fields). Field names need not follow any convention. However, depth and speed are assumed to be in m, and ms1m \cdot s^{-1}, respectively, for further analyses.

If speed is TRUE and concurrentCols contains a column named speed or velocity, then an object of class TDRspeed is created, where speed is considered to be the column matching this name.


An object of class TDR or TDRspeed.


  • readTDR: Create TDR object from file


Although TDR and TDRspeed classes check that time stamps are in increasing order, the integrity of the input must be thoroughly verified for common errors present in text output from TDR devices such as duplicate records, missing time stamps and non-numeric characters in numeric fields. These errors are much more efficiently dealt with outside of GNU using tools like GNU awk or GNU sed, so diveMove does not currently attempt to fix these errors.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


## Do example to define object zz with location of dataset
utils::example("dives", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE)
srcfn <- basename(zz)
readTDR(zz, speed=TRUE, sep=";", na.strings="",

## Or more pedestrian
tdrX <- read.csv(zz, sep=";", na.strings="",
date.time <- paste(tdrX$date, tdrX$time)
tdr.time <- as.POSIXct(strptime(date.time, format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"),
createTDR(tdr.time, tdrX$depth, concurrentData=data.frame(speed=tdrX$speed),
          file=srcfn, speed=TRUE)

Calculate distance and speed between locations


Calculate distance, time difference, and speed between pairs of points defined by latitude and longitude, given the time at which all points were measured.


distSpeed(pt1, pt2, method = c("Meeus", "VincentyEllipsoid"))



A matrix or data.frame with three columns; the first a POSIXct object with dates and times for all points, the second and third numeric vectors of longitude and latitude for all points, respectively, in decimal degrees.


A matrix with the same size and structure as pt1.


character indicating which of the distance algorithms from geosphere-package to use (only default parameters used). Only Meeus and VincentyEllipsoid are supported for now.


A matrix with three columns: distance (km), time difference (s), and speed (m/s).


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


## Using the Example from '?readLocs':
utils::example("readLocs", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE)

## Travel summary between successive standard locations
locs.std <- subset(locs, subset=class == "0" | class == "1" |
                   class == "2" | class == "3" &
                   ! & !
## Default Meeus method <- by(locs.std, locs.std$id, function(x) {
    distSpeed(x[-nrow(x), 3:5], x[-1, 3:5])
lapply(, head)

## Particular quantiles from travel summaries
lapply(, function(x) {
    quantile(x[, 3], seq(0.90, 0.99, 0.01), na.rm=TRUE) # speed
lapply(, function(x) {
    quantile(x[, 1], seq(0.90, 0.99, 0.01), na.rm=TRUE) # distance

## Travel summary between two arbitrary sets of points
pts <- seq(10)
(meeus <- distSpeed(locs[pts, 3:5], locs[pts + 1, 3:5]))
(vincenty <- distSpeed(locs[pts, 3:5],
                       locs[pts + 1, 3:5],
meeus - vincenty

Class "diveModel" for representing a model for identifying dive phases


Details of model used to identify the different phases of a dive.



Object of class "matrix". A 2-column character matrix with row numbers matching each observation to the full TDR object, and a vector labelling the phases of each dive.


Object of class "character". A string identifying the specific model fit to dives for the purpose of dive phase identification. It should be one of ‘smooth.spline’ or ‘unimodal’.


Object of class "smooth.spline". Details of cubic smoothing spline fit (see smooth.spline).


Object of class "list". A list with the first derivative of the smoothing spline (see predict.smooth.spline).


Object of class "numeric". The index of the observation at which the descent was deemed to have ended (from initial surface observation).


Object of class "numeric". the index of the observation at which the ascent was deemed to have ended (from initial surface observation).


Object of class "numeric". The rate of descent corresponding to the critical quantile used.


Object of class "numeric". The rate of ascent corresponding to the critical quantile used.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("diveModel", ...).

‘diveModel’ objects contain all relevant details of the process to identify phases of a dive. Objects of this class are typically generated during depth calibration, using calibrateDepth, more specifically .cutDive.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

getDiveDeriv, plotDiveModel



## Too long for checks
## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)
dcalib		# the 'TDRcalibrate' that was created

## Compare dive models for dive phase detection
diveNo <- 255
diveX <-, diveNo=diveNo))
diveX.m <- cbind(as.numeric(row.names(diveX[-c(1, nrow(diveX)), ])),
                 diveX$depth[-c(1, nrow(diveX))],
                 diveX$time[-c(1, nrow(diveX))])

## calibrateDepth() default unimodal regression. Number of inner knots is
## either 10 or the number of samples in the dive, whichever is larger.
(phases.uni <- diveMove:::.cutDive(diveX.m, smooth.par=0.2, knot.factor=20,
                                   descent.crit.q=0.01, ascent.crit.q=0))
## Smoothing spline model, using default smoothing parameter.
(phases.spl <- diveMove:::.cutDive(diveX.m, smooth.par=0.2, knot.factor=20,
                                   descent.crit.q=0.01, ascent.crit.q=0))
              diveNo=paste(diveNo, ", smooth.par=", 0.2, sep=""))
plotDiveModel(phases.uni, diveNo=paste(diveNo))

Sample of TDR data from a fur seal


This data set is meant to show a typical organization of a TDR *.csv file, suitable as input for readTDR, or to construct a TDR object. divesTDR is an example TDR object.


Bzip2-compressed file. A comma separated value (csv) file with 34199 TDR readings, measured at 5 s intervals, with the following columns:






Depth in m


Light level


Temperature in degrees Celsius


Speed in m/s

The data are also provided as a TDR object (*.RData format) for convenience.


The data are a subset of an entire TDR record, so they are not meant to make valid inferences from this particular individual/deployment.

divesTDR is a TDR object representation of the data in dives.

divesTDRzoc is the same data, but has been zero-offset corrected with the "filter" method (k=c(3, 5760), probs=c(0.5, 0.02), na.rm=TRUE, depth.bounds=range(getDepth(divesTDR))).


Sebastian P. Luque, Christophe Guinet, John P.Y. Arnould

See Also

readTDR, diveStats.


zz <- system.file(file.path("data", "dives.csv"),
                  package="diveMove", mustWork=TRUE)
str(read.csv(zz, sep=";", na.strings=""))

Per-dive statistics


Calculate dive statistics in TDR records.


diveStats(x, depth.deriv = TRUE)

oneDiveStats(x, interval, speed = FALSE)

stampDive(x, ignoreZ = TRUE)



A TDRcalibrate-class object for diveStats and stampDive, and a data.frame containing a single dive's data (a factor identifying the dive phases, a POSIXct object with the time for each reading, a numeric depth vector, and a numeric speed vector) for oneDiveStats.


logical: should depth derivative statistics be calculated?


numeric scalar: sampling interval for interpreting x.


logical: should speed statistics be calculated?


logical: whether phases should be numbered considering all aquatic activities (“W” and “Z”) or ignoring “Z” activities.


diveStats calculates various dive statistics based on time and depth for an entire TDR record. oneDiveStats obtains these statistics from a single dive, and stampDive stamps each dive with associated phase information.


A data.frame with one row per dive detected (durations are in s, and linear variables in m):


A POSIXct object, specifying the start time of each dive.


A POSIXct object, as begdesc indicating descent's end time.


A POSIXct object, as begdesc indicating the time ascent began.


Descent duration of each dive.


Bottom duration of each dive.


Ascent duration of each dive.


Dive duration.


Numeric vector with last descent depth.


Numeric vector with the sum of absolute depth differences while at the bottom of each dive; measure of amount of “wiggling” while at bottom.


Numeric vector with first ascent depth.


Mean bottom depth.


Median bottom depth.

Standard deviation of bottom depths.


Numeric vector with maximum depth.


Numeric vector with descent total distance, estimated from speed.


Numeric vector with descent mean speed.


Numeric vector with descent angle, from the surface plane.


Numeric vector with bottom total distance, estimated from speed.


Numeric vector with bottom mean speed.


Numeric vector with ascent total distance, estimated from speed.


Numeric vector with ascent mean speed.


Numeric vector with ascent angle, from the bottom plane.


Postdive duration.


Numeric vector with postdive total distance, estimated from speed.


Numeric vector with postdive mean speed.

If depth.deriv=TRUE, 21 additional columns with the minimum, first quartile, median, mean, third quartile, maximum, and standard deviation of the depth derivative for each phase of the dive. The number of columns also depends on argument speed.

stampDive returns a data.frame with phase number, activity, and start and end times for each dive.


  • oneDiveStats: Calculate dive statistics for a single dive

  • stampDive: Stamp dives


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

calibrateDepth, .detPhase, TDRcalibrate-class


## Too long for checks
## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)
dcalib		# the 'TDRcalibrate' that was created

tdrX <- diveStats(dcalib)
stamps <- stampDive(dcalib, ignoreZ=TRUE) <- data.frame(stamps, tdrX)

Extract Dives from "TDR" or "TDRcalibrate" Objects


Extract data corresponding to a particular dive(s), referred to by number.


## S4 method for signature 'TDR,numeric,numeric'
extractDive(obj, diveNo, id)

## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,numeric,missing'
extractDive(obj, diveNo)



TDR object.


numeric vector or scalar with dive numbers to extract. Duplicates are ignored.


numeric vector or scalar of dive numbers from where diveNo should be chosen.


An object of class TDR or TDRspeed.

Methods (by class)

  • obj = TDR,diveNo = numeric,id = numeric: Extract data on TDR object

  • obj = TDRcalibrate,diveNo = numeric,id = missing: Extract data on TDRcalibrate object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


## Too long for checks
## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)
dcalib		# the 'TDRcalibrate' that was created

diveX <- extractDive(divesTDR, 9, getDAct(dcalib, ""))

diveX <- extractDive(dcalib, 5:10)

Maximum Likelihood Model of mixtures of 2 or 3 Poisson Processes


Functions to model a mixture of 2 random Poisson processes to identify bouts of behaviour. This follows Langton et al. (1995).


## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
fitMLEbouts(obj, start, optim_opts0 = NULL, optim_opts1 = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'Bouts'
fitMLEbouts(obj, start, optim_opts0 = NULL, optim_opts1 = NULL)



Object of class Bouts.


passed to mle. A row- and column-named (2,N) matrix, as returned by boutinit.


named list of optional arguments passed to mle for fitting the first model with transformed parameters.


named list of optional arguments passed to mle for fitting the second model with parameters retrieved from the first model, untransformed to original scale.


Mixtures of 2 or 3 Poisson processes are supported. Even in this relatively simple case, it is very important to provide good starting values for the parameters.

One useful strategy to get good starting parameter values is to proceed in 4 steps. First, fit a broken stick model to the log frequencies of binned data (see boutinit), to obtain estimates of 4 parameters in a 2-process model (Sibly et al. 1990), or 6 in a 3-process model. Second, calculate parameter(s) p from the alpha parameters obtained from the broken stick model, to get tentative initial values as in Langton et al. (1995). Third, obtain MLE estimates for these parameters, but using a reparameterized version of the -log L2 function. Lastly, obtain the final MLE estimates for the 3 parameters by using the estimates from step 3, un-transformed back to their original scales, maximizing the original parameterization of the -log L2 function.

boutinit can be used to perform step 1. Calculation of the mixing parameters p in step 2 is trivial from these estimates. Function boutsMLEll.chooser defines a reparameterized version of the -log L2 function given by Langton et al. (1995), so can be used for step 3. This uses a logit (see logit) transformation of the mixing parameter p, and log transformations for both density parameters lambda1 and lambda2. Function boutsMLEll.chooser can be used again to define the -log L2 function corresponding to the un-transformed model for step 4.

fitMLEbouts is the function performing the main job of maximizing the -log L2 functions, and is essentially a wrapper around mle. It only takes the -log L2 function, a list of starting values, and the variable to be modelled, all of which are passed to mle for optimization. Additionally, any other arguments are also passed to mle, hence great control is provided for fitting any of the -log L2 functions.

In practice, step 3 does not pose major problems using the reparameterized -log L2 function, but it might be useful to use method “L-BFGS-B” with appropriate lower and upper bounds. Step 4 can be a bit more problematic, because the parameters are usually on very different scales and there can be multiple minima. Therefore, it is almost always the rule to use method “L-BFGS-B”, again bounding the parameter search, as well as passing a control list with proper parscale for controlling the optimization. See Note below for useful constraints which can be tried.


An object of class mle.

Methods (by class)

  • numeric: Fit model via MLE on numeric vector.

  • Bouts: Fit model via MLE on Bouts object.


In the case of a mixture of 2 Poisson processes, useful values for lower bounds for the transformed negative log likelihood reparameterization are c(-2, -5, -10). For the un-transformed parameterization, useful lower bounds are rep(1e-08, 3). A useful parscale argument for the latter is c(1, 0.1, 0.01). However, I have only tested this for cases of diving behaviour in pinnipeds, so these suggested values may not be useful in other cases.

The lambdas can be very small for some data, particularly lambda2, so the default ndeps in optim can be so large as to push the search outside the bounds given. To avoid this problem, provide a smaller ndeps value.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


Langton, S.; Collett, D. and Sibly, R. (1995) Splitting behaviour into bouts; a maximum likelihood approach. Behaviour 132, 9-10.

Luque, S.P. and Guinet, C. (2007) A maximum likelihood approach for identifying dive bouts improves accuracy, precision, and objectivity. Behaviour, 144, 1315-1332.

Sibly, R.; Nott, H. and Fletcher, D. (1990) Splitting behaviour into bouts. Animal Behaviour 39, 63-69.


## Run example to retrieve random samples for two- and three-process
## Poisson mixtures with known parameters as 'Bouts' objects
## ('xbouts2', and 'xbouts3'), as well as starting values from
## broken-stick model ('startval2' and 'startval3')
utils::example("boutinit", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)

## 2-process
opts0 <- list(method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(-2, -5, -10))
opts1 <- list(method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(1e-1, 1e-3, 1e-6)) <- fitMLEbouts(xbouts2, start=startval2, optim_opts0=opts0,
plotBouts(, xbouts2)

## 3-process
opts0 <- list(method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(-5, -5, -6, -8, -12))
## We know 0 < p < 1, and can provide bounds for lambdas within an
## order of magnitude for a rough box constraint.
lo <- c(9e-2, 9e-2, 2e-3, 1e-3, 1e-5)
hi <- c(9e-1, 9.9e-1, 2e-1, 9e-2, 5e-3)
## Important to set the step size to avoid running below zero for
## the last lambda.
ndeps <- c(1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-3, 1e-5)
opts1 <- list(method="L-BFGS-B", lower=lo, upper=hi,
              control=list(ndeps=ndeps)) <- fitMLEbouts(xbouts3, start=startval3, optim_opts0=opts0,
plotBoutsCDF(, xbouts3)

Fit mixture of Poisson Processes to Log Frequency data via Non-linear Least Squares regression


Methods for modelling a mixture of 2 or 3 random Poisson processes to histogram-like data of log frequency vs interval mid points. This follows Sibly et al. (1990) method.


## S4 method for signature 'data.frame'
fitNLSbouts(obj, start, maxiter, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'Bouts'
fitNLSbouts(obj, start, maxiter, ...)



Object of class Bouts, or data.frame with named components lnfreq (log frequencies) and corresponding x (mid points of histogram bins).

start, maxiter

Arguments passed to nls.


Optional arguments passed to nls.


nls object resulting from fitting this model to data.

Methods (by class)

  • data.frame: Fit NLS model on data.frame

  • Bouts: Fit NLS model on Bouts object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


Sibly, R.; Nott, H. and Fletcher, D. (1990) Splitting behaviour into bouts Animal Behaviour 39, 63-69.

See Also

fitMLEbouts for a better approach; boutfreqs; boutinit


## Run example to retrieve random samples for two- and three-process
## Poisson mixtures with known parameters as 'Bouts' objects
## ('xbouts2', and 'xbouts3'), as well as starting values from
## broken-stick model ('startval2' and 'startval3')
utils::example("boutinit", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)

## 2-process <- fitNLSbouts(xbouts2, start=startval2, maxiter=500)

## 3-process
## The problem requires using bound constraints, which is available
## via the 'port' algorithm
l_bnds <- c(100, 1e-3, 100, 1e-3, 100, 1e-6)
u_bnds <- c(5e4, 1, 5e4, 1, 5e4, 1) <- fitNLSbouts(xbouts3, start=startval3, maxiter=500,
                         lower=l_bnds, upper=u_bnds, algorithm="port")
plotBouts(, xbouts3)

Label each vector element or matrix row with bout membership number


Identify which bout an observation belongs to.


## S4 method for signature 'numeric'
labelBouts(obj, becs, bec.method = c("standard", "seq.diff"))

## S4 method for signature 'Bouts'
labelBouts(obj, becs, bec.method = c("standard", "seq.diff"))



Object of class Bouts object, or numeric vector or matrix with independent data modelled as a Poisson process mixture.


numeric vector or matrix with values for the bout ending criterion which should be compared against the values in x for identifying the bouts. It needs to have the same dimensions as x to allow for situations where bec is within x.


character: method used for calculating the frequencies: “standard” simply uses x, while “seq.diff” uses the sequential differences method.


labelBouts returns a numeric vector sequentially labelling each row or element of x, which associates it with a particular bout. unLogit and logit return a numeric vector with the (un)transformed arguments.

Methods (by class)

  • numeric: Label data on vector or matrix objects.

  • Bouts: Label data on Bouts object


## Run example to retrieve random samples for two- and three-process
## Poisson mixtures with known parameters as 'Bouts' objects
## ('xbouts2', and 'xbouts3'), as well as starting values from
## broken-stick model ('startval2' and 'startval3')
utils::example("boutinit", package="diveMove", ask=FALSE)

## 2-process
opts0 <- list(method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(-2, -5, -10))
opts1 <- list(method="L-BFGS-B", lower=c(1e-1, 1e-3, 1e-6)) <- fitMLEbouts(xbouts2, start=startval2, optim_opts0=opts0,
bec2 <- bec(
## labelBouts() expects its second argument to have the same
## dimensions as the data
labelBouts(xbouts2, becs=rep(bec2, length(xbouts2@x)))

Plot fitted Poisson mixture model and data


Plot fitted Poisson mixture model and data


## S4 method for signature 'nls,data.frame'
plotBouts(fit, obj, bec.lty = 2, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'nls,Bouts'
plotBouts(fit, obj, bec.lty = 2, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'mle,numeric'
plotBouts(fit, obj, xlab = "x", ylab = "Log Frequency", bec.lty = 2, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'mle,Bouts'
plotBouts(fit, obj, xlab = "x", ylab = "Log Frequency", bec.lty = 2, ...)



Object of class nls or mle.


Object of class Bouts, data.frame with columns named lnfreq and x (when fit -> nls object, or numeric vector (valid when fit -> mle object.


Line type specification for drawing the BEC reference line.


Arguments passed to plot.default.

xlab, ylab

Label for x and y axis, respectively.

Methods (by class)

  • fit = nls,obj = data.frame: Plot fitted nls model on data.frame object

  • fit = nls,obj = Bouts: Plot fitted nls model on Bouts object

  • fit = mle,obj = numeric: Plot fitted mle model on numeric object

  • fit = mle,obj = Bouts: Plot fitted mle model on Bouts object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

boutfreqs, fitNLSbouts, fitMLEbouts

Plot empirical and deterministic cumulative frequency distribution Poisson mixture data and model


Plot empirical and deterministic cumulative frequency distribution Poisson mixture data and model


## S4 method for signature 'nls,numeric'
plotBoutsCDF(fit, obj, xlim, draw.bec = FALSE, bec.lty = 2, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'nls,Bouts'
plotBoutsCDF(fit, obj, xlim, draw.bec = FALSE, bec.lty = 2, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'mle,numeric'
plotBoutsCDF(fit, obj, xlim, draw.bec = FALSE, bec.lty = 2, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'mle,Bouts'
plotBoutsCDF(fit, obj, xlim, draw.bec = FALSE, bec.lty = 2, ...)



Object of class nls or mle.


Object of class Bouts.


2-length vector with limits for the x axis. If omitted, a sensible default is calculated.


logical; whether to draw the BECs


Line type specification for drawing the BEC reference line.


Arguments passed to plot.default.

Methods (by class)

  • fit = nls,obj = numeric: Plot (E)CDF on nls fit object and numeric vector

  • fit = nls,obj = Bouts: Plot (E)CDF on nls fit object and Bouts object

  • fit = mle,obj = numeric: Plot (E)CDF on numeric vector

  • fit = mle,obj = Bouts: Plot (E)CDF on mle fit object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

Methods for plotting models of dive phases


All methods produce a double panel plot. The top panel shows the depth against time, the cubic spline smoother, the identified descent and ascent phases (which form the basis for identifying the rest of the dive phases), while the bottom panel shows the first derivative of the smooth trace.


## S4 method for signature 'diveModel,missing'
plotDiveModel(x, diveNo)

## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,missing'
plotDiveModel(x, diveNo)

## S4 method for signature 'numeric,numeric'
  diveNo = 1,



A diveModel (diveModel,missing method), numeric vector of time step observations (numeric,numeric method), or TDRcalibrate object (TDRcalibrate,numeric method).


integer representing the dive number selected for plotting.


numeric vector with depth observations at each time step.


numeric vector with time steps used to generate the smoothing spline (i.e. the knots, see diveModel).


numeric vector with smoothed depth (see diveModel).


integer denoting the index where descent ends in the observed time series (see diveModel).


integer denoting the index where ascent begins in the observed time series (see diveModel).


numeric vector representing the time steps where the derivative of the smoothing spline was evaluated (see diveModel).


numeric vector representing the derivative of the smoothing spline evaluated at times.deriv (see diveModel).


numeric scalar: vertical rate of descent corresponding to the quantile used (see diveModel).


numeric scalar: vertical rate of ascent corresponding to the quantile used (see diveModel).

Methods (by class)

  • x = diveModel,y = missing: Given a diveModel object and (possibly) the dive number that it corresponds to, the plot shows the model data.

  • x = TDRcalibrate,y = missing: Given a TDRcalibrate object and a dive number to extract from it, this method plots the observed data and the model. The intended use of this method is through plotTDR when what="dive.model".

  • x = numeric,y = numeric: Base method, requiring all aspects of the model to be provided.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also



## Too long for checks

## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)

## 'diveModel' method
dm <- getDiveModel(dcalib, 100)
plotDiveModel(dm, diveNo=100)

## 'TDRcalibrate' method
plotDiveModel(dcalib, diveNo=100)

Methods for plotting objects of class "TDR" and "TDRcalibrate"


Main plotting method for objects of these classes. Plot and optionally set zero-offset correction windows in TDR records, with the aid of a graphical user interface (GUI), allowing for dynamic selection of offset and multiple time windows to perform the adjustment.


## S4 method for signature 'POSIXt,numeric'
  concurVars = NULL,
  xlim = NULL,
  depth.lim = NULL,
  ylab.depth = "depth (m)",
  concurVarTitles = deparse(substitute(concurVars)),
  sunrise.time = "06:00:00",
  sunset.time = "18:00:00",
  night.col = "gray60",
  dry.time = NULL,
  phase.factor = NULL

## S4 method for signature 'TDR,missing'
plotTDR(x, y, concurVars, concurVarTitles, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,missing'
  what = c("phases", "dive.model"),
  diveNo = seq(max(getDAct(x, ""))),



POSIXct object with date and time, TDR, or TDRcalibrate object.


numeric vector with depth in m.


matrix with additional variables in each column to plot concurrently with depth. For the (TDR,missing) and (TDRcalibrate,missing) methods, a character vector naming additional variables from the concurrentData slot to plot, if any.


POSIXct or numeric vector of length 2, with lower and upper limits of time to be plotted.


numeric vector of length 2, with the lower and upper limits of depth to be plotted.


character string to label the corresponding y-axes.


character vector of titles to label each new variable given in concurVars.

sunrise.time, sunset.time

character string with time of sunrise and sunset, respectively, in 24 hr format. This is used for shading night time.


color for shading night time.


subset of time corresponding to observations considered to be dry.


factor dividing rows into sections.


Arguments for the (POSIXt,numeric) method. For (TDRcalibrate,missing), these are arguments for the appropriate methods.


character: what aspect of the TDRcalibrate to plot, which selects the method to use for plotting.


numeric vector or scalar with dive numbers to plot.


If called with the interact argument set to TRUE, returns a list (invisibly) with as many components as sections of the record that were zero-offset corrected, each consisting of two further lists with the same components as those returned by locator.

Methods (by class)

  • x = POSIXt,y = numeric: Base method plotting numeric vector against POSIXt object

  • x = TDR,y = missing: Interactive graphical display of time-depth data, with zooming and panning capabilities.

  • x = TDRcalibrate,y = missing: plot selected aspects of TDRcalibrate object. Currently, two aspects have plotting methods:

    * phases (Optional arguments: concurVars, surface) Plots all dives, labelled by the activity phase they belong to. It produces a plot consisting of one or more panels; the first panel shows depth against time, and additional panels show other concurrent data in the object. Optional argument concurVars is a character vector indicating which additional components from the concurrentData slot to plot, if any. Optional argument surface is a logical: whether to plot surface readings.

    * dive.model Plots the dive model for the selected dive number (diveNo argument).


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected], with many ideas from CRAN package sfsmisc.

See Also

calibrateDepth, .zoc


## Too long for checks

## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)
## Use interact=TRUE (default) to set an offset interactively
## Plot the 'TDR' object
plotTDR(getTime(divesTDR), getDepth(divesTDR))

## Plot different aspects of the 'TDRcalibrate' object
plotTDR(dcalib, diveNo=19:25)
plotTDR(dcalib, what="dive.model", diveNo=25)
if (dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE)) {
    ## Add surface observations and interact
    plotTDR(dcalib, surface=TRUE)
    ## Plot one dive
    plotTDR(dcalib, diveNo=200)

Methods for visually assessing results of ZOC procedure


Plots for comparing the zero-offset corrected depth from a TDRcalibrate object with the uncorrected data in a TDR object, or the progress in each of the filters during recursive filtering for ZOC (calibrateDepth).


## S4 method for signature 'TDR,matrix'
plotZOC(x, y, xlim, ylim, ylab = "Depth (m)", ...)

## S4 method for signature 'TDR,TDRcalibrate'
plotZOC(x, y, xlim, ylim, ylab = "Depth (m)", ...)



TDR object.


matrix with the same number of rows as there are observations in x, or a TDRcalibrate object.


POSIXct or numeric vector of length 2, with lower and upper limits of time to be plotted. Defaults to time range of input.


numeric vector of length 2 (upper, lower) with axis limits. Defaults to range of input.


character strings to label the corresponding y-axis.


Arguments passed to legend.


The TDR,matrix method produces a plot like those shown in Luque and Fried (2011).

The TDR,TDRcalibrate method overlays the corrected depth from the second argument over that from the first.


Nothing; a plot as side effect.

Methods (by class)

  • x = TDR,y = matrix: This plot helps in finding appropriate parameters for diveMove:::.depthFilter, and consists of three panels. The upper panel shows the original data, the middle panel shows the filters, and the last panel shows the corrected data. method=“visual” in calibrateDepth.

  • x = TDR,y = TDRcalibrate: This plots depth from the TDRcalibrate object over the one from the TDR object.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


Luque, S.P. and Fried, R. (2011) Recursive filtering for zero offset correction of diving depth time series. PLoS ONE 6:e15850

See Also

calibrateDepth, .zoc


## Using the Example from '?diveStats':
## Too long for checks

utils::example("diveStats", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)

## Plot filters for ZOC
## Work on first phase (trip) subset, to save processing time, since
## there's no drift nor shifts between trips
tdr <- divesTDR[1:15000]
## Try window widths (K), quantiles (P) and bound the search (db)
K <- c(3, 360); P <- c(0.5, 0.02); db <- c(0, 5)
d.filter <- diveMove:::.depthFilter(depth=getDepth(tdr),
                                    k=K, probs=P, depth.bounds=db,
old.par <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
plotZOC(tdr, d.filter, ylim=c(0, 6))

## Plot corrected and uncorrected depth, regardless of method
## Look at three different scales
xlim1 <- c(getTime(divesTDR)[7100], getTime(divesTDR)[11700])
xlim2 <- c(getTime(divesTDR)[7100], getTime(divesTDR)[7400])
xlim3 <- c(getTime(divesTDR)[7100], getTime(divesTDR)[7200])
par(mar=c(3, 4, 0, 1) + 0.1, cex=1.1, las=1)
plotZOC(divesTDR, dcalib, xlim=xlim1, ylim=c(0, 6))
plotZOC(divesTDR, dcalib, xlim=xlim2, ylim=c(0, 70))
plotZOC(divesTDR, dcalib, xlim=xlim3, ylim=c(0, 70))

Read comma-delimited file with location data


Read a delimited (*.csv) file with (at least) time, latitude, longitude readings.


  timeCol = NULL,
  dtformat = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S",
  tz = "GMT",
  alt.lonCol = NULL,
  alt.latCol = NULL,



character: a string indicating the path to the file to read, or a data.frame available in the search list. Provide the entire path if the file is not on the current directory. This can also be a text-mode connection, as allowed in read.csv.


integer: column number containing location ID. If missing, a column is generated with sequential integers as long as the input.


integer: column number containing an identifier for locations belonging to different groups. If missing, an id column is generated with number one repeated as many times as the input.


integer: column number containing dates, and, optionally, times.


integer: column number containing times.


character: a string specifying the format in which the date and time columns, when pasted together, should be interpreted (see strptime) in file.


character: a string indicating the time zone for the date and time readings.


integer: column number containing the ARGOS rating for each location.


integer: column number containing longitude readings.


integer: column number containing latitude readings.


integer: column number containing alternative longitude readings.


integer: Column number containing alternative latitude readings.


Passed to read.csv


The file must have a header row identifying each field, and all rows must be complete (i.e. have the same number of fields). Field names need not follow any convention.


A data frame.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]


## Do example to define object zz with location of dataset
utils::example("sealLocs", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE)
locs <- readLocs(zz, idCol=1, dateCol=2,
                 dtformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", classCol=3,
                 lonCol=4, latCol=5, sep=";")


Generate samples from a mixture of exponential distributions


rmixexp uses a special definition for the probabilities p_i to generate random samples from a mixed Poisson distribution with known parameters for each process. In the two-process case, p represents the proportion of "fast" to "slow" events in the mixture. In the three-process case, p_0 represents the proportion of "fast" to "slow" events, and p_1 represents the proportion of "slow" to "slow" *and* "very slow" events.


rmixexp(n, p, lambdas)



integer output sample size.


numeric probabilities for processes generating the output mixture sample.


numeric lambda (rate) for each process.


vector of samples.


## Draw samples from a mixture where the first process occurs with
## p < 0.7, and the second process occurs with the remaining
## probability.
p <- 0.7
lda <- c(0.05, 0.005)
(rndprocs2 <- rmixexp(1000, p, lda))

## 3-process
p_f <- 0.6    # fast to slow
p_svs <- 0.7  # prop of slow to (slow + very slow) procs
p_true <- c(p_f, p_svs)
lda_true <- c(0.05, 0.01, 8e-4)
(rndprocs3 <- rmixexp(1000, p_true, lda_true))

Plot of quantile regression for speed calibrations


Plot of quantile regression for assessing quality of speed calibrations


  main = "qtRegression",
  xlab = "rate of depth change (m/s)",
  ylab = "speed (m/s)",
  colramp = colorRampPalette(c("white", "darkblue")),
  col.line = "red",
  cex.pts = 1



numeric vector with rate of depth change.


numeric vector with speed in m/s.


list with the bivariate kernel density estimates (1st component the x points of the mesh, 2nd the y points, and 3rd the matrix of densities).


list with components: pts which should be a matrix with columns named x and y, level a number indicating the contour level the points in pts correspond to.


object of class “rq” representing a quantile regression fit of rate of depth change on mean speed.


character: string with title prefix to include in ouput plot.

xlab, ylab

character vectors with axis labels.


function taking an integer n as an argument and returning n colors.


color to use for the regression line.


numeric: value specifying the amount by which to enlarge the size of points.


The dashed line in the plot represents a reference indicating a one to one relationship between speed and rate of depth change. The other line represent the quantile regression fit.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also


Ringed and Gray Seal ARGOS Satellite Location Data


Satellite locations of a gray (Stephanie) and a ringed (Ringy) seal caught and released in New York.


Bzip2-compressed file. A data.frame with the following information:


String naming the seal the data come from.


The date and time of the location.


The ARGOS location quality classification.

lon, lat

x and y geographic coordinates of each location.


WhaleNet Satellite Tracking Program

See Also

readLocs, distSpeed.


zz <- system.file(file.path("data", "sealLocs.csv"),
                  package="diveMove", mustWork=TRUE)
str(read.csv(zz, sep=";"))

Coerce, Extractor, and Replacement methods for class "TDR" objects


Basic methods for manipulating objects of class TDR.

Show Method


signature(object="TDR"): print an informative summary of the data.

Coerce Methods

signature(x="TDR"): Coerce object to data.frame. This method returns a data frame, with attributes “file” and “dtime” indicating the source file and the interval between samples.

signature(x="TDRspeed"): Coerce object to data.frame. Returns an object as for TDR objects.


signature(x="TDR"): Coerce object to TDRspeed class.

Extractor Methods


signature(x="TDR", i="numeric", j="missing", drop="missing"): Subset a TDR object; these objects can be subsetted on a single index i. Selects given rows from object.


signature(x = "TDR"): depth slot accessor.


signature(x="TDR", y="missing"): concurrentData slot accessor.


signature(x="TDR", y="character"): access component named y in x.


signature(x = "TDR"): sampling interval accessor.


signature(x="TDR"): source file name accessor.


signature(x = "TDR"): time slot accessor.


signature(x = "TDRspeed"): speed accessor for TDRspeed objects.

Replacement Methods


signature(x="TDR"): depth replacement.


signature(x="TDR"): speed replacement.


signature(x="TDR"): concurrent data frame replacement.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

extractDive, plotTDR.



## Retrieve the name of the source file
## Retrieve concurrent temperature measurements
temp <- getCCData(divesTDR, "temperature"); head(temp)
temp <- getCCData(divesTDR); head(temp)

## Coerce to a data frame
dives.df <-

## Replace speed measurements
newspeed <- getSpeed(divesTDR) + 2
speed(divesTDR) <- newspeed

Classes "TDR" and "TDRspeed" for representing TDR information


These classes store information gathered by time-depth recorders.


Since the data to store in objects of these clases usually come from a file, the easiest way to construct such objects is with the function readTDR to retrieve all the necessary information.


  • TDRspeed-class: Class TDRspeed



Object of class ‘character’, string indicating the file where the data comes from.


Object of class ‘numeric’, sampling interval in seconds.


Object of class POSIXct, time stamp for every reading.


Object of class ‘numeric’, depth (m) readings.


Object of class data.frame, optional data collected concurrently.

Objects from the class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("TDR", ...) and new("TDRspeed", ...).

‘TDR’ objects contain concurrent time and depth readings, as well as a string indicating the file the data originates from, and a number indicating the sampling interval for these data. ‘TDRspeed’ extends ‘TDR’ objects containing additional concurrent speed readings.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

readTDR, TDRcalibrate.

Methods to Show and Extract Basic Information from "TDRcalibrate" Objects


Show and extract information from TDRcalibrate objects.


## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,missing'
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,character'
getDAct(x, y)
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,missing'
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,numeric'
getDPhaseLab(x, diveNo)
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,missing'
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,numeric'
getDiveModel(x, diveNo)
## S4 method for signature 'diveModel'
getDiveDeriv(x, phase=c("all", "descent", "bottom", "ascent"))
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate'
getDiveDeriv(x, diveNo, phase=c("all", "descent", "bottom", "ascent"))
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,missing'
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,character'
getGAct(x, y)
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate'
## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate'



TDRcalibrate object.


numeric vector with dive numbers to extract information from.


string; “”, “dive.activity”, or “” in the case of getDAct, to extract the numeric dive ID, the factor identifying activity phases (with underwater and diving levels possibly represented), or the numeric postdive ID, respectively. In the case of getGAct it should be one of “”, “activity”, “begin”, or “end”, to extract the numeric phase ID for each observation, a factor indicating what major activity the observation corresponds to (where diving and underwater levels are not represented), or the beginning and end times of each phase in the record, respectively.


character vector indicating phase of the dive for which to extract the derivative.


The extractor methods return an object of the same class as elements of the slot they extracted.

Show Methods


signature(object="TDRcalibrate"): prints an informative summary of the data.


signature(object="diveModel"): prints an informative summary of a dive model.

Extractor Methods


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", y="missing"): this accesses the dive.activity slot of TDRcalibrate objects. Thus, it extracts a data frame with vectors identifying all readings to a particular dive and postdive number, and a factor identifying all readings to a particular activity.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", y="character"): as the method for missing y, but selects a particular vector to extract. See TDRcalibrate for possible strings.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", diveNo="missing"): extracts a factor identifying all readings to a particular dive phase. This accesses the dive.phases slot of TDRcalibrate objects, which is a factor.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", diveNo="numeric"): as the method for missing y, but selects data from a particular dive number to extract.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", diveNo="missing"): extracts a list with all dive phase models. This accesses the dive.models slot of TDRcalibrate objects.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", diveNo="numeric"): as the method for missing diveNo, but selects data from a particular dive number to extract.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate"): extracts the derivative (list) of the dive model (smoothing spline) from the dive.models slot of TDRcalibrate objects for one or all phases of a dive.


signature(x="diveModel"): as the method for TDRcalibrate, but selects data from one or all phases of a dive.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", y="missing"): this accesses the gross.activity slot of TDRcalibrate objects, which is a named list. It extracts elements that divide the data into major wet and dry activities.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate", y="character"): as the method for missing y, but extracts particular elements.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate"): this accesses the tdr slot of TDRcalibrate objects, which is a TDR object.


signature(x="TDRcalibrate"): this accesses the speed.calib.coefs slot of TDRcalibrate objects; the speed calibration coefficients.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

diveModel, plotDiveModel, plotTDR.


## Too long for checks
## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, , run.donttest=TRUE)
dcalib		# the 'TDRcalibrate' that was created

## Beginning times of each successive phase in record
getGAct(dcalib, "begin")

## Factor of dive IDs
dids <- getDAct(dcalib, "")
table(dids[dids > 0])		# samples per dive

## Factor of dive phases for given dive
getDPhaseLab(dcalib, 19)
## Full dive model
(dm <- getDiveModel(dcalib, 19))

## Derivatives
getDiveDeriv(dcalib, diveNo=19)
(derivs.desc <- getDiveDeriv(dcalib, diveNo=19, phase="descent"))
(derivs.bott <- getDiveDeriv(dcalib, diveNo=19, phase="bottom"))
(derivs.asc <- getDiveDeriv(dcalib, diveNo=19, phase="ascent"))
if (require(lattice)) {
    fl <- c("descent", "bottom", "ascent")
    bwplot(~ derivs.desc$y + derivs.bott$y + derivs.asc$y,
           outer=TRUE, allow.multiple=TRUE, layout=c(1, 3),
           xlab=expression(paste("Vertical rate (", m %.% s^-1, ")")),

Class "TDRcalibrate" for dive analysis


This class holds information produced at various stages of dive analysis. Methods are provided for extracting data from each slot.


This is perhaps the most important class in diveMove, as it holds all the information necessary for calculating requested summaries for a TDR.



Object of class call. The matched call to the function that created the object.


Object of class TDR. This slot contains the time, zero-offset corrected depth, and possibly a data frame. If the object is also of class "TDRspeed", then the data frame might contain calibrated or uncalibrated speed. See readTDR and the accessor function getTDR for this slot.


Object of class ‘list’. This slot holds a list of the form returned by .detPhase, composed of 4 elements. It contains a vector (named numbering each major activity phase found in the record, a factor (named activity) labelling each row as being dry, wet, or trivial wet activity. These two elements are as long as there are rows in tdr. This list also contains two more vectors, named begin and end: one with the beginning time of each phase, and another with the ending time; both represented as POSIXct objects. See .detPhase.


Object of class data.frame. This slot contains a data.frame of the form returned by .detDive, with as many rows as those in tdr, consisting of three vectors named:, which is an integer vector, sequentially numbering each dive (rows that are not part of a dive are labelled 0), dive.activity is a factor which completes that in activity above, further identifying rows in the record belonging to a dive. The third vector in dive.activity is an integer vector sequentially numbering each postdive interval (all rows that belong to a dive are labelled 0). See .detDive, and getDAct to access all or any one of these vectors.


Object of class ‘factor’. This slot is a factor that labels each row in the record as belonging to a particular phase of a dive. It has the same form as the “phase.labels” component of the list returned by .labDivePhase.


Object of class ‘list’. This slot contains the details of the process of dive phase identification for each dive. It has the same form as the dive.models component of the list returned by .labDivePhase. It has as many components as there are dives in the TDR object, each of them of class diveModel.


Object of class ‘numeric’. The temporal criteria used for detecting dry periods that should be considered as wet.


Object of class ‘numeric’ the temporal criteria used for detecting periods wet that should not be considered as foraging time.


Object of class ‘numeric’. The temporal criteria used for detecting periods wet that should not be considered as foraging time.


Object of class ‘numeric’. The intercept and slope derived from the speed calibration procedure. Defaults to c(0, 1) meaning uncalibrated speeds.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("TDRcalibrate", ...{}). The objects of this class contain information necessary to divide the record into sections (e.g. dry/water), dive/surface, and different sections within dives. They also contain the parameters used to calibrate speed and criteria to divide the record into phases.


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also

TDR for links to other classes in the package. TDRcalibrate-methods for the various methods available.

Describe the Time Budget of Major Activities from "TDRcalibrate" object.


Summarize the major activities recognized into a time budget.


## S4 method for signature 'TDRcalibrate,logical'
timeBudget(obj, ignoreZ)



TDRcalibrate object.


logical: whether to ignore trivial aquatic periods.


Ignored trivial aquatic periods are collapsed into the enclosing dry period.


A data.frame with components:


A numeric vector numbering each period of activity.


A factor labelling the period with the corresponding activity.

beg, end

POSIXct objects indicating the beginning and end of each period.

Methods (by class)

  • obj = TDRcalibrate,ignoreZ = logical: Base method for computing time budget from TDRcalibrate object


Sebastian P. Luque [email protected]

See Also



## Too long for checks
## Continuing the Example from '?calibrateDepth':
utils::example("calibrateDepth", package="diveMove",
               ask=FALSE, echo=FALSE, run.donttest=TRUE)
dcalib		# the 'TDRcalibrate' that was created

timeBudget(dcalib, TRUE)