--- title: "Introduction" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```r library(matos) ``` ## List available files First, `list_projects` returns the [project page](https://matos.asascience.com/project), which is useful to figure out what URLs are associated with each project. You do not need MATOS permissions in order to view this page. ```r all_projects <- list_projects() head(all_projects) #> name number #> 1 ACK Array 168 #> 2 APG Atlantic and Shortnose Sturgeon 176 #> 3 ASI - White Shark Study, Montauk, NY 211 #> 4 ASI Acoustic Array 100 #> 5 ASI Spinner Shark Study 227 #> 6 ASI White Shark Study, Southern NE 232 #> url #> 1 https://matos.asascience.com/project/detail/168 #> 2 https://matos.asascience.com/project/detail/176 #> 3 https://matos.asascience.com/project/detail/211 #> 4 https://matos.asascience.com/project/detail/100 #> 5 https://matos.asascience.com/project/detail/227 #> 6 https://matos.asascience.com/project/detail/232 ``` I can also view the files that I've uploaded to my projects using `list_project_files`, but that requires logging in first. The family of `list_` functions in this package will prompt you to log in before moving on. Note that I'll be entering my MATOS username and password behind the scenes here. ```r project_files <- list_project_files(project = 'umces boem offshore wind energy') #> ! Please log in. #> ✔ Login successful! head(project_files) #> project file_type upload_date #> 1 87 Deployed Receivers – Deployment Metadata 2020-03-30 #> 2 87 Tag Detections - .vfl file 2020-05-28 #> 3 87 Tag Detections - .vfl file 2020-05-28 #> 4 87 Tag Detections - .vfl file 2020-05-28 #> 5 87 Tag Detections - .vfl file 2020-05-28 #> 6 87 Tag Detections - .vfl file 2020-05-28 #> file_name #> 1 BOEM_metadata_deployment.xls #> 2 VR2AR_546455_20170328_1.vrl #> 3 VR2AR_546456_20170328_1.vrl #> 4 VR2AR_546457_20170329_1.vrl #> 5 VR2AR_546458_20170329_1.vrl #> 6 VR2AR_546459_20170328_1.vrl #> url #> 1 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/375 #> 2 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/1810 #> 3 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/1811 #> 4 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/1812 #> 5 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/1813 #> 6 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/1814 ``` ### User credentials A side note on your MATOS username and password: `matos` defaults to asking you for your login credentials every time you start a new session. To skirt around this you can use `set_matos_credentials()`, which installs your username and password in your [.Renviron file](https://rstats.wtf/r-startup.html#renviron). You will be automatically logged in every time you use your current computer after doing this, but beware: someone else could theoretically access your username and password if they gain access to your computer. ### Back to the regularly-scheduled programming I can also list any of my OTN node *Data Extraction Files*. ```r ACT_MATOS_files <- list_extract_files(project = 'umces boem offshore wind energy', detection_type = 'all') head(ACT_MATOS_files) #> project file_type detection_type detection_year #> 1 87 Data Extraction File matched 2017 #> 2 87 Data Extraction File matched 2018 #> 3 87 Data Extraction File matched 2019 #> 4 87 Data Extraction File matched 2020 #> 5 87 Data Extraction File matched 2021 #> 6 87 Data Extraction File matched 2022 #> upload_date file_name #> 1 2023-07-06 mdwea_matched_detections_2017.zip #> 2 2023-07-06 mdwea_matched_detections_2018.zip #> 3 2023-07-06 mdwea_matched_detections_2019.zip #> 4 2023-07-06 mdwea_matched_detections_2020.zip #> 5 2023-07-06 mdwea_matched_detections_2021.zip #> 6 2023-07-06 mdwea_matched_detections_2022.zip #> url #> 1 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/downloadExtraction/87_1 #> 2 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/downloadExtraction/87_2 #> 3 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/downloadExtraction/87_3 #> 4 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/downloadExtraction/87_4 #> 5 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/downloadExtraction/87_5 #> 6 https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/downloadExtraction/87_6 ``` ## Download project or data extraction files There are a few ways to download the different types of files held by MATOS. I can download directly if I know the URL of the file: ```r project_files$url[1] #> [1] "https://matos.asascience.com/projectfile/download/375" get_project_file(url = project_files$url[1]) #> #> ── Downloading files ────────────────────────────────────────────── #> ✔ File(s) saved to: #> C:\Users\darpa2\Analysis\matos\vignettes\BOEM_metadata_deployment.xls #> #> ── Unzipping files ──────────────────────────────────────────────── #> [1] "C:\\Users\\darpa2\\Analysis\\matos\\vignettes\\BOEM_metadata_deployment.xls" ``` I can download by using an index from the `ACT_MATOS_files` table above, here the file on the second row. ```r get_extract_file(file = 2, project = 'umces boem offshore wind energy') #> #> ── Downloading files ────────────────────────────────────────────── #> ✔ File(s) saved to: #> C:\Users\darpa2\Analysis\matos\vignettes\mdwea_matched_detections_2018.zip #> #> ── Unzipping files ──────────────────────────────────────────────── #> ✔ File(s) unzipped to: #> C:/Users/darpa2/Analysis/matos/vignettes/mdwea_matched_detections_2018.csv #> C:/Users/darpa2/Analysis/matos/vignettes/data_description.txt #> [1] "C:/Users/darpa2/Analysis/matos/vignettes/mdwea_matched_detections_2018.csv" #> [2] "C:/Users/darpa2/Analysis/matos/vignettes/data_description.txt" ``` ## Search and download tag detections Using the `tag_search` function, I can interface with MATOS' [tag search page](https://matos.asascience.com/search). Be very careful with this function -- it can take a *very*, **VERY** long time to return your files. This function downloads the requested CSV into your working directory, and, if `import = T` is used, reads it into your R session. ```r my_detections <- tag_search(tags = paste0('A69-1601-254', seq(60, 90, 1)), start_date = '03/01/2016', end_date = '04/01/2016', import = T) ``` ## Upload files to MATOS There are times when you want to upload new data to MATOS. The currently accepted data types and formats are: - newly-deployed transmitters (CSV/XLS(X)) - detection logs (CSV/VRL) - receiver and glider deployment metadata (CSV/XLS(X)) - receiver events like temperature, tilt, etc. (CSV) - glider GPS tracks (CSV) A few data types use designated Ocean Tracking Network templates: - tag metadata - receiver deployment metadata - glider deployment metadata If you don't have one of these templates downloaded, you can download it through the package. For example: ```r get_otn_template('glider') ``` Then, get to uploading! ```r upload_file(project = 'umces boem offshore wind energy', file = c('this_is_a_dummy_file.csv', 'so_is_this.csv'), data_type = 'new_tags') ```