2. Refining the Shortest Paths in-water


  1. Preparing the data
  2. Refining the Shortest Paths in-water
  3. Calculating utilization distribution
  4. Calculating overlaps
  5. Calculating areas in steps

The runRSP() function is used to recreate the shortest paths between pairs of acoustic detections. By default, the analysis will run for all transmitters detected, but you can determine also which transmitters you would like to include using tags. The detection data, station coordinates and the group of each tracked animal is passed on to RSP automatically by actel through the argument input. You must also include the name of the transition layer you created using the argument t.layer, e.g.:


filtered_data <- explore(tz = "Europe/Copenhagen")

water.shape <- loadShape(shape = "my_study_area.shp", size = 0.0001)  
water.transition <- transitionLayer(water.shape, directions = 16)

rsp.results <- runRSP(input = filtered_data, t.layer = water.transition, coord.x = "Longitude", coord.y = "Latitude")
coord.x and coord.y must be the column names containing the coordinates in the spatial data frame.

The detection ranges of each listening station are also taken into account in the runRSP(). These will be used as the location errors for the dBBMM when calculating UD areas. A Range column can be included in the spatial.csv file for specifying the detection ranges (in metres) for each acoustic station if these are known. If the ‘Range’ column is not found, a default detection range of 500 m is automatically considered for each receiver with the warning:

Warning: Could not find a 'Range' column in the spatial data; assuming a range of 500 metres for each receiver.
The ‘Range’ column must already be present in the spatial.csv file when you run the explore() function for it to be incorporated in the analysis.

There is some uncertainty regarding the trajectory taken while animals move between a pair of consecutive acoustic detections. This uncertainty increases proportionally to the time taken to go from one place to another. By default, consecutive detections separated by more than 24 hours will be broken by the runRSP() into separate ‘tracks’ (defined by the max.time = 24 argument, in hours). This avoids the estimation of unrealistic behaviour when the animals do not get detected in any array for exceedingly long periods of time. Detections that occur isolated (e.g. more than 24-h before or after any other detection) are automatically excluded from analysis. The runRSP() will return the percentage of raw detections that can be used for refining the shortest paths when the analysis is finished:

M: Percentage of detections valid for RSP: 99.8%

Pairs of detections can occur either at the same station or at different stations. For consecutive detections on different stations, estimated positions are added at intervals of approximately a given distance argument in metres (250 m by default). Note that the added positions will be centered relative to the total distance, e.g., if the distance between two stations is 600 m, then two RSP positions will be added; one at 200 m and one at 400 m. On the other hand, if an animal is detected consecutively at the same station (with a time interval greater than the stipulated at the time.step argument), then estimated positions are added at that station location, over intervals of approximately time.step minutes. E.g. if a fish is detected at a station twice with a 22 minute interval, and time.step is set to 10, two estimated positions will be included.

While moving away from the first detection, the position errors gradually increase for each estimated position. This increase defaults to a 5% rate of the distance argument, but it can be specified in metres using er.ad. When the animal reaches half of the elapsed time/distance between the first and the second detection, the errors of estimated positions now gradually decrease as it approaches the second station where it got detected. This principle is used for both pairs of detections on different stations, and for consecutive detections at the same station:

A: consecutive detections on the same station; B: consecutive detections on different stations.
A: consecutive detections on the same station; B: consecutive detections on different stations.

Note how the distances between consecutive RSP positions (points) vary around the distance argument (250 m by default) as they depend on the estuary shape and the shortest distances between stations. It is also possible to observe how the errors of the estimated positions (lines) gradually increase/decrease as the animals move between stations.

The dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Model accounts for the speed at which animals move between consecutive detections to expand/contract the UD areas. Consequently, depending on your array configuration, estuary shape and species being tracked, you may find useful to adjust the distance and time.lapse arguments for recreating the most plausible movement patterns of the monitored animals.

Note: If your tracked animals were recaptured during the monitoring period you may want to provide these aditional locations to runRSP(). To do so, please provide the following dataset named recaptures.csv:

Recapture.date Signal Length_mm Weight_kg Latitude Longitude Returned
2014-10-17 17:10:34 485 481 2.1 -33.13151 151.5974 TRUE
2014-10-31 18:02:39 485 481 2.1 -33.08676 151.6002 TRUE

Please make sure you provide the Recapture.date timezone at local time. To include the respective recapture locations in the estimations of refined shortest paths, make sure to set recaptures = TRUE in runRSP(). The recapture locations will be used to start a new RSP track begining at the recapture location:

Timestamp Receiver Transmitter Longitude Latitude Position Track
2014-10-10 10:23:24 115409 A69-9004-485 151.6093 -33.09295 Receiver Track_01
2014-10-10 10:38:15 115409 A69-9004-485 151.6093 -33.09295 Receiver Track_01
2014-10-17 17:10:34 NA A69-9004-485 151.5974 -33.13151 Recapture Track_02
2014-10-17 18:00:22 NA A69-9004-485 151.5992 -33.12971 RSP Track_02
2014-10-17 18:50:11 NA A69-9004-485 151.6008 -33.12811 RSP Track_02

2.1. Exploring the runRSP results

Here are some examples of the runRSP() output:

  1. In the $tracks object you can find metadata, stored individually for each tracked transmitter, on the identified tracks (Track) and their corresponding number of total acoustic detections (original.n), duration in hours (Timespan), and their corresponding validity (Valid):
Track original.n First.time Last.time Timespan Valid
Track_01 3 2018-02-11 20:27:37 2018-02-11 20:29:35 0.03 hours TRUE
Track_02 2 2018-02-20 10:54:54 2018-02-20 10:56:07 0.02 hours TRUE
Track_03 103 2018-03-07 00:41:10 2018-03-07 08:20:02 7.64 hours TRUE
Track_04 22 2018-03-17 13:07:43 2018-03-17 13:36:42 0.48 hours TRUE
Track_05 1 2018-04-04 12:47:05 2018-04-04 12:47:05 0.00 hours FALSE
Track_06 2 2018-04-18 08:41:11 2018-04-18 08:48:47 0.12 hours TRUE
Track_07 3 2018-04-20 09:30:02 2018-04-20 09:33:55 0.06 hours TRUE
Track_08 7 2018-04-23 05:10:47 2018-04-23 08:43:45 3.54 hours TRUE
Track_09 22 2018-04-24 11:40:56 2018-04-26 01:00:13 37.32 hours TRUE
Track_10 5 2018-08-20 11:56:47 2018-08-20 12:06:51 0.16 hours TRUE
Track_11 2 2018-08-21 14:33:30 2018-08-21 14:42:52 0.156 hours TRUE
Track_12 2 2018-08-22 16:04:24 2018-08-22 16:05:44 0.02 hours TRUE
Track_13 1 2018-08-23 19:21:20 2018-08-23 19:21:20 0.00 hours FALSE

Only the valid tracks are used by RSP to recreate the shortest in-water paths of tracked animals. The tracking data can be retrieved from the list $detections in which data is saved individually for each transmitter.

The RSP data can be found in the $detections object, stored individually for each tracked animal. There are two main types of RSP interpolation:

  1. For consecutive detections on the same station:
Timestamp Receiver Standard.name Transmitter Error Longitude Latitude Position Track
2018-03-07 00:43:49 125449 St.1 R64K-4075 500 9.380188 56.5716 Receiver Track_3
2018-03-07 00:53:07 NA NA R64K-4075 512.5 9.380188 56.5716 RSP Track_3
2018-03-07 01:02:26 NA NA R64K-4075 512.5 9.380188 56.5716 RSP Track_3
2018-03-07 01:11:45 125449 St.1 R64K-4075 500 9.380188 56.5716 Receiver Track_3
Various columns were omitted in this display for simplicity.

The Position column in this dataset identifies the two consecutive acoustic detections (Receiver) from this animal. We can notice that they occurred on the same Station (Standard.name column); the first on 2018-03-07 00:43:49 and the second on 2018-03-07 01:11:45 (slightly less than 30 minutes from each other). Because this time difference is longer than the default time.lapse (10 minutes), the runRSP() estimated the intermediate positions (RSP) by repeating the station’s Longitude and Latitude and changing the Error parameter at a rate of 5% from the default distance argument (250 metres = 12.5 metres). Notice how the elapsed time was distributed evenly between the position intervals.

  1. For consecutive detections on different stations:
Timestamp Receiver Standard.name Transmitter Error Longitude Latitude Position Track
2018-04-27 05:27:10 100474 St.1 R64K-4125 500 9.921725 57.05595 Receiver Track_5
2018-04-27 05:35:17 NA NA R64K-4125 512.5 9.928500 57.05450 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 05:43:24 NA NA R64K-4125 525 9.935500 57.05350 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 05:51:32 NA NA R64K-4125 537.5 9.943500 57.05450 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 05:59:39 NA NA R64K-4125 550 9.949500 57.05650 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:07:47 NA NA R64K-4125 562.5 9.955500 57.05850 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:15:54 NA NA R64K-4125 575 9.960500 57.06150 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:24:01 NA NA R64K-4125 562.5 9.964500 57.06550 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:32:09 NA NA R64K-4125 550 9.968500 57.06850 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:40:16 NA NA R64K-4125 537.5 9.975500 57.07050 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:48:24 NA NA R64K-4125 525 9.981500 57.07250 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 06:56:31 NA NA R64K-4125 512.5 9.986500 57.07450 RSP Track_5
2018-04-27 07:04:39 107527 St.2 R64K-4125 500 9.992500 57.07650 Receiver Track_5
Various columns were omitted in this display for simplicity.

Here the animal was detected first at the station St.1 on 2018-04-27 05:27:10, and then at the station St.2 on 2018-04-27 07:04:39. The runRSP() now calculated the shortest in-water path between stations, and we can see how the Error of added locations increased up to half-way, (575 metres on 2018-04-27 06:15:54), and then decreased back to 500 as the track approached the second station.

RSP also has a plotDensities() function, which allows you to investigate the distribution of elapsed time between consecutive acoustic detections:

You can set a group argument to generate a density plot for a particular group of interest. By default all monitored groups are used.

2.2. Visualizing the runRSP outputs

We can use plotTracks() to plot any of the tracks from the runRSP() output:

plotTracks(rsp.data1, base.raster = water.shape1, type = "both", tag = "R64K-4125", track = "Track_3")
plotTracks(rsp.data1, base.raster = water.shape1, type = "both", tag = "R64K-4125", track = "Track_3", land.col = "darkgreen")
plotTracks(rsp.data2, base.raster = water.shape2, type = "both", tag = "R64K-4545", track = "Track_9")

You can use the function suggestSize() in your base raster (shapefile) file to get suggested dimensions for a projected plot, and easily change the colour of the land mass using land.col. The function addStations() can be used to add the station locations to your plot.:

You can easily change the colour of the land mass using land.col.
You can easily change the colour of the land mass using land.col.

If the animal you want to plot was recaptured and you want to include the recapture locations, you can use addRecaptures():

plotTracks(input = rsp.data, base.raster = water, tag = "A69-9004-485", track = 3) + 
  addStations(rsp.data) + addRecaptures(Signal = "485")

2.3. Distances travelled exclusively in-water

The getDistances() function can be used to obtain the distances travelled (in metres) during each RSP track. The column Loc.type shows you whether the distances were calculated only using the station locations or if they were calculated also accounting for the interpolated positions (added by RSP).

dist.table <- getDistances(rsp.results)
Animal.tracked Track Day.n Loc.type Dist.travel Group
R64K-4075 Track_09 3 Receiver 66876.7892 R64K-4075
R64K-4075 Track_09 3 RSP 72662.5359 R64K-4075
R64K-4125 Track_02 3 Receiver 13680.7627 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_02 3 RSP 16797.9609 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_03 4 Receiver 182882.4870 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_03 4 RSP 206155.7192 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_04 2 Receiver 25470.6122 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_04 2 RSP 30076.9265 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_06 1 Receiver 2921.3768 R64K-4125
R64K-4125 Track_06 1 RSP 2940.6700 R64K-4125
R64K-4128 Track_06 2 Receiver 29871.3633 R64K-4128
R64K-4128 Track_06 2 RSP 33987.0067 R64K-4128
R64K-4128 Track_07 2 Receiver 31824.9768 R64K-4128
R64K-4128 Track_07 2 RSP 33987.0067 R64K-4128
R64K-4128 Track_09 1 Receiver 32108.2706 R64K-4128
R64K-4128 Track_09 1 RSP 37689.2695 R64K-4128

We can use plotDistances() to compare the total distances travelled by each animal calculated using only the station locations and also including the RSP estimations:


You can view the data for a single group by using the argument group.

plotDistances(dist.table, compare = FALSE)

If you set compare = FALSE, only the RSP total distances travelled will be returned.

Proceed to Calculating utilization distribution

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