- actel::additional.residency.resultsExample residency results
- actel::example.resultsExample migration results
- aniMotum::ellieSouthern elephant seal Argos satellite data (1 individual, sub-sampled for testing speed)
- aniMotum::seseSouthern elephant seal Argos satellite data (3 individuals)
- aniMotum::sese2Southern elephant seal Argos satellite data (2 highly sub-sampled individuals)
- aniMotum::sese2_nSouthern elephant seal Argos satellite data (2 highly sub-sampled individuals)
- aniMotum::wese_sbWeddell seal Argos satellite data (1 individual)
- diveMove::divesSample of TDR data from a fur seal
- diveMove::divesTDRSample of TDR data from a fur seal
- diveMove::divesTDRzocSample of TDR data from a fur seal
- diveMove::sealLocsRinged and Gray Seal ARGOS Satellite Location Data
- glatos::flynn_island_polygonAn sf POLYGON object with coastline of Flynn Island
- glatos::greatLakesPolyDeprecated A SpatialPolygonDataFrame with Great Lakes coastline and some major tributaries.
- glatos::greatLakesTrLayerA 'TransitionLayer' of the Great Lakes that only prevents transition over land
- glatos::great_lakes_polygonAn sf POLYGON object with Great Lakes coastline
- glatos::higgins_lake_polygonAn sf POLYGON object with coastline of Higgins Lake
- glatos::lamprey_tracksSea Lamprey positions from Lake George, St. Marys River, 2012
- glatos::range_detectionDetection range data set
- glatos::sample_detection_efficiencyDetection Efficiency data set
- glatos::vdat_csv_schemaA schema for Innovasea Fathom (VDAT) CSV files
- miscYAPS::aur
- miscYAPS::boats
- miscYAPS::dets
- momentuHMM::exampleExample dataset
- momentuHMM::forestExample dataset
- momentuHMM::miExampleExample dataset
- mort::dddSample dead drift direction dataframe
- mort::detectionsSample acoustic telemetry detection data
- mort::eventsSample residence events
- mort::new.dataExample of new acoustic telemetry detection data
- mort::seasonsIce-free seasons
- moveHMM::elk_dataElk data set from Morales et al. (2004, Ecology)
- moveHMM::exampleExample dataset
- moveHMM::haggis_dataWild haggis data set from Michelot et al. (2016, Methods Eco Evol)
- movepub::o_assenSample Movebank dataset with GPS tracking data
- remora::TownsvilleReefQCQuality-controlled bull shark detections (5 individuals, subsampled for efficiency)
- remora::data_with_sst_and_current??
- remora::imos_variables_table??
- RSP::input.exampleExample acoustic data filtered with actel
- yaps::dat_alignExample data for showcasing yaps function alignBurstSeq()
- yaps::ssu1Test data from Florida Bay